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Aren't you just bored with all those regular PDF resumes?
Don't you think that resumes shouldn't just be about Text representations
So let me impress you with this stunning visualization of my resume
I am a Graduate Student at University of Texas at Dallas, currently seeking Full Time opportunities in Software Development starting May 2016

I Have a prior experience of around 2 years working as a Java Developer for the client ANZ Bank.
I also interned as a Service Engineer at Microsoft

I have a bachelor's degree from DSCE,Bangalore in Information Science

Currently Pursuing a Master's Degree in Computer Science with Data Science as the specialisation

The Languages I am familiar are Java, J2EE,Android, C ,C#and Python

The web Technologies Include HTML5,JSP,CSS,jQuery,

Databases are

MongoDB & Apache Geode

Tools that I'm familiar with are Appcelerator,AbInitio,Matlab,

Frameworks known to me are Node.js, AngularJS, Backbone.js and Bootstrap

I am a recipient of the Government of India,MHRD scholarship for my undergraduate studies

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